What services do I offer?
Addiction support for individuals and families
Trauma management and support
Work-related stress /trauma
Parenting support
Harassment/Workplace Bullying
Personal Growth
I am a registered Health Care provider with most medical aids
Leadership development
Interview skills
Developing new habits
Conflict resolution and awareness skills
Stress management/Managing personal boundaries
Work/Life Balance
Finding Your Purpose and Values
Public speaking and presentation skills
Life and Leadership Coaching
Individual Counselling Services
Facilitation and Consulting
Leadership and team development workshops
Insights Discovery Accredited - facilitation and coaching based on Insights Profile
Workshops on Constructive Conversations in Conflict
Psychoeducational presentations and workshops e.g stress, relationships, emotional intelligence, substance abuse
Coaching and Mentoring for HR practitioners
EAP services
Please note that all counselling and coaching is confidential