About me, my experience and qualifications...

I work with individuals, groups and teams as a coach, counsellor and facilitator, offering face-to-face and online services.

My experience as a registered counsellor is in working with individuals who need support with addiction, grief and loss, change, trauma, and personal and work-related stress and burnout. I have extensive academic and practical experience implementing Employee Assistance Programmes and workplace wellness programmes. My interest in organisational culture and its impact on individuals in the workplace drew me to Human Resources Leadership roles in the petroleum and retail sectors for several years. Here, I gained deep experience in leadership facilitation and team effectiveness workshops, (including conflict management skills), change management, performance management, employment equity strategies, employee communication methodologies, employee relations and talent management.

During my years in the corporate environment, I encountered a quote by Sophie Bush which resonated with me: "You are allowed to be a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time". My observation and experience were that real change and growth occur when an individual feels vulnerable, capable and supported simultaneously. When one's environment and relationships - either through past experiences or current experiences at work or home, do not provide a sense of authentic connection and safety, the freedom to grow and be authentic diminishes. The value of a coaching relationship, when affordable and accessible, provides the confidential "space" to feel supported during this growth process. My interest in neuroscience and the importance of a growth mindset resulted in my further studies in neuroscience and obtaining a coaching qualification. As individuals, we have the potential to thrive when our environment is free of "threat or judgement", and offers authentic connection, compassion and unconditional acceptance.

I see sustainable change in my clients when the opportunity is created through the confidential coaching or counselling relationship to "stop and reflect" on ways to navigate situations differently. I combine my counselling, coaching and experience in corporate culture, to work with individuals, groups or teams.

My passion is to enable individuals (whether they are seeing me in a counselling, coaching or facilitator role) to grow their potential and to navigate their environment in a way which enables this.

I offer facilitation (including being an Insights Associate facilitator), coaching and therapeutic counselling to individuals and corporates (EAPs).

I offer workshops and coaching (virtual or in-house) on "Reframing Difficult Conversations to Constructive Conversations". I draw on my experience of common types of conflict in the workplace, including my knowledge of neuroscience and conflict resolution models. As individuals, we have significant opportunities to bring our best selves to work and personally - especially when we create the mindset that "we are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress".

As a comfortable public speaker and guest lecturer, I present on numerous topics - including sexual harassment, emotional intelligence, substance abuse, stress and burnout and various leadership topics.